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作曲家 小田実結子 composer miyuko oda

​Miyuko Oda


​Composer / Arranger


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©︎Shin Yamagishi












第21回TIAA全日本作曲家コンクール室内楽部門 奨励賞受賞。

第2回K作曲コンクール 第2位入賞。


国際芸術連盟主催 第6・7回東京国際歌曲作曲コンクール入選。

平成29年度奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール第24回作曲部門 第2位入賞および中田喜直賞・畑中良輔賞受賞。

平成30年度奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール第25回作曲部門 第2位入賞。

令和3年度奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール第27回作曲部門 入選。

ミッドウェスト・クリニック主催 第1回バーバラ・ビュールマン作曲コンクール中学校バンド向け作品部門にて、吹奏楽作品《Dawn》(邦題:夜明け)が第1位を受賞。2021年12月第75回ミッドウェスト・クリニックにて、アメリカ陸軍野戦部隊バンドにより世界初演。(指揮:ジム・R・キーン大佐)

​東京交響楽団&サントリーホール主催「こども定期演奏会」20周年記念企画「新曲チャレンジ・プロジェクト」にて、オーケストラ作品《La danse des enfants 子供たちの踊り》採用。2021年12月サントリーホールにて、東京交響楽団により世界初演。(指揮:原田慶太楼)

「21世紀の吹奏楽 第24回“響宴”」作品公募において吹奏楽作品《祝いの宴》が入選。

2023年3月、山田和樹氏からの委嘱によるオーケストラ作品《Olive Crown》が、札幌コンサートホールKitaraにて同氏の指揮により初演。(演奏:横浜シンフォニエッタ)







 (2014年 ティーダ出版)

・トロンボーン4重奏曲《Pray and Play》

 (2017年 ティーダ出版)


 (2020年 ティーダ出版)


 (2020年 ブレーン株式会社)


 (2021年 ティーダ出版)


 (2021年 東京書籍)


 (2021年 Murphy Music Press)


 (2022年 ティーダ出版)


 (2023年 全音楽譜出版社

・管弦楽曲《Kaleidoscope of Tokyo》

 (2023年 全音楽譜出版社


 (2023年 全音楽譜出版社


Miyuko Oda was born in Tokyo, Japan.

She began to learn music at Tama music school attached to Musahino Academia Musicae at the age of 4. She had studied the Piano, Cello, Solfège, and musical grammar there until she graduated from high school.


After graduating from high school, Miyuko entered Musashino Academia Musicae. She began her composition studies under Yukio Nozaki and Seiichi Sato, also continue to study the Piano. Then, Miyuko got her bachelor’s and master’s degree of Music in Composition. In her college days, she often won the Naoaki Fukui Commemorative Scholarship that is gave for excellent students.


So far, Miyuko composed and arranged various musical pieces for solo, chamber-music, orchestra, and so on. She often played the piano accompaniment at campus exams and contests as well.


In 2016, she received the Encouragement award at the 21st composition competition held by Tokyo International Association of Artists.

In the same year, she won 2nd place at the 2nd K composition competition.

In 2017, she received the Audience award at the composition competition for trombone piece held by Japanese Association of Trombonists.

In the same year, she won 3 titles (2nd place, Yoshinao Nakada award, Ryosuke Hatanaka award) at the 24th Sogakudo Japanese song composition competition held by Arts and Culture Foundation of Taito Ward. 

In the same year, her work was accepted for the 6th Tokyo International Competition for song composition held by Japan International League of Artists.

In 2018, she won 2nd place at the 25th Sogakudo Japanese song composition competition held by Arts and Culture Foundation of Taito Ward.

In the same year, her work was accepted for the 7th Tokyo International Competition for song composition held by Japan International League of Artists.

In 2020, her symphonic band piece "Dawn" won 1st place at the 1st Barbara Buehlman composition competition for middle school wind band held by Midwest Clinic. This piece was premiered by the US Army Field Band on December 15, 2021 at the 75th Annual Midwest Clinic.(Conductor : Colonel Jim Keene)

In 2021, her work was accepted for the 27th Sogakudo Japanese song composition competition held by Arts and Culture Foundation of Taito Ward.

In the same year, her orchestral work "La danse des enfants" was adopted at  "New Piece Challenge Project" held by Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and Suntory Hall. This piece was premiered by Tokyo Symphony Orchestra on December 12, 2021 at Suntory Hall.(Conductor : Keitaro Harada)

In 2022, her symphonic band piece "Feast" was accepted for the 21st Century Wind Music 24th KYO-EN.

In 2023, "Olive Crown", an orchestral work commissioned by Kazuki Yamada, was premiered at the Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara under his direction. (Performed by Yokohama Sinfonietta.)

Miyuko Oda is a part-time lecturer at Musashino Academia Musicae and is also a member of the All-Japan Association for the Creation of Children’s Songs.

Published Compositions;

Snowy Town (Flute Quartet) published by Teeda Publishing in 2014.

Pray and Play (Trombone Quartet) published by Teeda Publishing in 2017.

Nike -Goddess of Victory- (Brass Instrument Solo) published by Teeda Publishing in 2020.

Hanamachi Rhapsody (Saxophone Quintet) published by Brain Company, Limited in 2020.

Night on the Galactic Railroad (Small Wind Ensemble) published by Teeda Publishing in 2021.

Our Restart (Arranged two-part Chorus) published by TOKYO SHOSEKI CO.,LTD. in 2021.

​・Dawn(Symphonic Band)published by Murphy Music Press in 2021.

Memorable Town(Brass Band)published by Teeda Publishing in 2022.

A Journey to Rebirth - Memories of Dewa mountains(Orchestra)published by Zen-On Music Company Limited in 2023.

Kaleidoscope of Tokyo(Orchestra)published by Zen-On Music Company Limited in 2023.

Olive Crown(Orchestra)published by Zen-On Music Company Limited in 2023.

​ 小田 実結子 / Miyuko Oda

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